Monthly Archives: March 2016

Wisdom is Balance

2000px-Yin_yang.svgAfter being engulfed by the material world and the world of objects for a long time, the realisation of the impermanence, inherent to the substance, can lead the ego to a new form of excess, the rejection of the world of forms.

When the illusion of the personal identity starts to dissolve, it progressively becomes apparent that all there is energy/substance and consciousness. Everything now seems to emerge from apparent nothingness (words are confusing more than revealing here).  everything is meaningless, actions unnecessary, and thoughts, words and concepts become enemies number one. Those tendencies are particularly pronounced in Neo-Advaita, it is the after-effect of “mental awakening”, the opening of The Eye, and those tendencies will be present until consciousness passed through the 3rd gate.

Contrary to popular belief, awakening from the ego does not mean that you suddenly start growing wings and can live the rest of your life away from your little pre-awakening routine. The world of form is still there. You are now aware it is an impermanent state but it does not evaporate magically. Naming things is still convenient, and using an identity is also useful, it was there before, but it is still there, the only difference is how those things now appear on the screen of Awareness.

Many non-dual “teachers” are living in a permanent state of duality without realizing it. Before they were obsessed with their ego, now they are obsessed with the absence of ego, isn’t that a bit ironic? They were living in a world of objects, now they are hypnotized by the formless. It is essentially a higher form of duality but duality nonetheless. Wisdom is absent here. Wisdom is inclusive, it is Love, and it includes, embraces, and unites. The recognition of the illusion of the ego is not realization, it is just the emptying of the vessel before some new life can rejuvenate it.

Wisdom is the warmth of life in the accepted and embraced the reality of the substance. Wisdom is not achieved by seeking or striving but just by letting go and embracing the Now in its spirit/matter dimension which is essentially One. The source of peace and wisdom is nowhere else to be found.

“I was substance, I was spirit, I Now AM”… Wisdom is Balance.


Standing in the Now

soft_watchYou are standing in Eternity, you don’t perceive it because your mind has been conditioned to see otherwise. Tomorrow and yesterday are just thoughts, they are not real because they are never experienced. Now is all there is and Now is made of Presence.

Time exists relatively from an objective point of view. Sunrise and sunset are real and define morning and evening. There are 24 hours in one day, 60 minutes in an hour, and so on. But even from that point of view, it is all relative, it is based on a specific environment, planet size, solar system, and other physical parameters. Even then, all it takes for you to have a glimpse of eternity is to imagine that you are standing in the center of the Sun, time suddenly stops (still relatively) but your mind realizes that time is flexible.

The substance is bound to the law of cycles and therefore to the relativity of time. Presence is objectless and beyond cycles hence it is synonymous with Now.

Time is a relative concept bound to the law of cycles and the subsequent alteration of the state of the substance. A cycle can be seen as a circle but it is more correct, from the evolution of consciousness point of view, to look at it as an ascending spiral. As consciousness expands and the mind dissolves, cycles morph into a point, the diversity is seen as one reality, the illusion of time fades and the reality of the Now is revealed.


Presence and the Dream Analogy

dreamYou are dreaming that you are chased by a werewolf in a dark forest, you feel fear, and you try to find a shelter or a weapon, it is all very real for you, but is it? What are the components of that experience? We have the chased, the chaser, the forest, all the emotions and thoughts that arise, and…the dreamer, the witness.

If we dig a little bit into the nature of the dream experience we realize that the substance of the dream is not to be found in its drama and content but in the essence of the witness. Many movies can be projected on a screen but the screen always stays the screen, it is not affected by the movie. The chaser, the chased, the emotions and thoughts present in the situation, and the forest are one, in essence, they all arise in and from the consciousness of the witness.

If, while dreaming, you realize that you are essentially the witness experiencing a dream then you are having what is called lucid dreaming. You realize that you created the chased, the chaser, and the dark forest. You were identified for a time with the chased but now you might, if you want, become the chaser or the bat in the tree or you might even…try another dream 🙂

The analogy of the dream can be used to approach the nature of our daily experience as a defined individual, a mind, in a body, in a world. Are we dreaming? Who is the witness? Could awakening be a form of lucid dreaming?

The analogy of the dream can be used as a seed of meditation to approach the reality of Presence which is essentially witness and witnessed, the One reality behind appearances.
