Monthly Archives: November 2016

Practising Presence

Although I have written about this topic before, I believe that my message is not redundant. My goal is not to entertain or provide food for thought through essays, but rather to create bridges between the impermanent and the permanent.

Words are my chosen medium, as I have no other choice. However, the essence of my message is beyond the words themselves, beyond the thoughts they provoke. My message about Presence – what remains after the sound has faded and the thoughts have vanished. When the mind becomes still, what is left is you – Presence itself.

While the mind can conceptualize Presence, it can never truly experience it. Presence can only be felt by Presence. For those of you who have some understanding of programming concepts, we could use the analogy of a recursive function calling itself from itself.

To delve further into the workings of consciousness, how does it shift from “Me, John Doe, I think of Presence” to “I am Presence”? The answer is simple: when the mind stops its activity, and when one relinquishes their identification with labels and forms, all that remains is Presence. The challenge lies in becoming aware of the dictates of the mind, of its grip on what it decides to show you and slowly regaining control of the content of your conscious space.

Presence is also known as Awareness or Consciousness, it is pure Awareness or Consciousness in its unadulterated state – before it has been shaped by mind activity and the labeling process.

This pure, transparent Presence is what some refer to as “God”, although the term has been so overused and misused throughout history that it is not always a useful term. However, it is important to mention it here to connect certain dots.

Presence is the clear conscious space in which objects, sensations, thoughts, and emotions arise. Like a dream that exists in and is made of the consciousness of the dreamer, the world exists in Presence and is made of Presence.

If there is one dreamer and the world is the dream, then one has the power to awaken within the dream. Awakening within the dream is called lucid dreaming, while in waking life, it is called spiritual awakening.

However, it is important to note that the awakening of Presence is only half of the story. This realization is just the beginning. Once one is clearly established in their permanent self, their impermanent identity and personality will slowly start to align with that newfound clarity. Every personality has its unique characteristics and flaws, and spiritual awakening does not brutally alter any of that. Rather, it provides a new perspective that can over time manifest through the personality as correct vision, and compassion, resulting in the correct action.

Finally, it is important to remember that Presence, pure consciousness, does not exclude anything – it embraces all, as it is the source of all. In some spiritual circles, the ego is seen as the enemy, or there is a belief that there is “nothing to do” because there is “no person”. However, such claims are made by spiritualized egos. In Presence, the permanent and impermanent are essentially one, united in Love.

From someone to no one, from no one to someone – I am complete.


Group Consciousness & Presence

Few spiritual approaches delve into the effects of personal awakening on the collective human experience and its direct consequences on the tangible reality we inhabit, which we refer to as the world. The focus of this little article is on the cultivation of group consciousness in relation to personal awakening.


By drawing a parallel, group consciousness can be likened to family consciousness. In a nurturing family, the connection among siblings arises from the shared understanding/vision that they have the same parents and are therefore brothers and sisters.

The boundaries we set for the family circle are nevertheless entirely arbitrary and complete mental constructs:  “My brother and I have the same parents, so we are family members,”  “My neighbor and I don’t have the same parents, so we are not family members.” It becomes an inclusion/exclusion game governed by our dualistic mental perceptions.

The key insight is that when individuals discover shared origins with others, their perspective shifts, and as their perspective shifts, so does how they feel towards each other, which in turn will influence how they will behave.

Nationalism is another form of group consciousness where the boundaries extend beyond the family circle to encompass the nation. Individuals with a shared history, traditions, and culture form a bond. Nevertheless, Nationalism is not true group consciousness again as it is a mental construct based on arbitrary parameters and is most of the time exclusive.

Group consciousness is still largely underdeveloped on our planet. Feelings of belonging (family, nation) continue to be driven by biological instincts and unconscious cultural impulses. What we currently experience are clusters of egos, making “compulsive mass consciousness” a more appropriate expression.

Authentic group consciousness is very rare; it will only emerge after the mind’s dominance has subsided, after the realization that our fundamental nature is “made of” pure consciousness, or Presence, which is boundless and common to all beings and everything.

If group consciousness appears to be lacking in an “awakened individual,” it is likely that we are dealing with a spiritualized ego masquerading as an awakened being.

Group consciousness truly embodies vision and compassion, it manifests as spontaneous action for the collective good.


Look at the ants and bees, can’t you see how their activity is unified and purposeful? Even a child can grasp the concept of group consciousness simply by watching the behavior of these small creatures.

What it would like to live in a world put in motion by true group consciousness:

  1. Goods would be produced for the benefit of all, not out of greed as is currently the case. No more planned obsolescence or convoluted marketing strategies.
  2. Technology would be accessible to everyone, with engineers collaborating to create durable and resilient products. The results of innovation would be shared not patented.
  3. Resources will be distributed based on geographical needs rather than hoarded by a minority at the expense of the majority.
  4. Cooperation will naturally occur between individuals and nations.
  5. The necessity to work for a living will be replaced by people pursuing their passions and fulfilling their unique purposes.
  6. Travel will flourish, with individuals from different regions sharing their cultural distinctions, knowledge, and life experiences.
  7. The concept of “family” will evolve, with individuals increasingly recognizing one another as brothers and sisters united in a global family.
  8. Compassion will become an innate trait, manifesting as joy, enthusiasm, and humor.
  9. Religions will be shed like empty shells, as everything is seen as a manifestation of the One Life.

Every time you envision a better world, you lend it substance, making it more tangible and hastening its manifestation. Conversely, every time you dismiss an idea as utopian, you hinder its manifestation, resulting in a world that reflects your limited beliefs.

You will become what you think you are, don’t let the mind define that for you.

